Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Fowl, flowers and flying furry felines

Yes, that's right! Fowl, flowers and flying furry felines. We'll start with the fowl first. :-)

Our chickens are getting bigger (if you can say that bantam chickens really get "bigger". Depends on what you are comparing them too, I suppose. :-)!

 Sometimes diamonds are not a chicken's best friend...

Dad nicknamed her the "godzilla bird"

Cat "meats" bird
                                                   I think Eppie won that staring contest...

It's almost like being at the zoo...

But we can't mention Eppie without mentioning Ollie, of course!

And Eppie again...
...and that was the two flying felines. :-)
Now how about ferocious felines?
Yes, that would be Tucker! He is quite the terror sometimes...
...granted he looks quite tranquil in this photo. He's cute, too. :-)

Here's a glimpse of his wild side... I couldn't even get it in focus. ;-)

Here are some photos of the greenery/purplery/redery/yellowery that can be found around our yard.

Lots of tiny wild strawberries grow in our lawn.

The playhouse at sunset

I hope you enjoyed the photos! :-)

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