Saturday, October 24, 2009

Little things

It was a small series of events that inspired this post.

It started with me going into our kitchen to get my Dad a piece of homemade chocolate cake that my Mom had made.
I was going to put it in a bowl, heat it up and then put some strawberry ice cream on it (I don't know why I heated it up, but anyway... :-). So, I heated it up in the microwave.

It wasn't until after I had nuked it a couple of times to get it hot enough that I noticed the puddle of butter on the the bottom of the microwave. And it just so happened that some of that butter puddle had attached itself to the bottom of the bowl in which I was preparing the heretofore mentioned home made chocolate cake. So I wiped that off both the bowl and the bottom of the microwave. That was the first small thing.

The chocolate cake and the strawberry ice cream were both sitting in the bowl, ready to be delivered to Dad. I then decided that I would eat the last portion of the apple crisp that my Mom had also made. I had taken it out of the fridge and was on my way to taking a spoon out of the drawer, and on my way there the 50 pound back of Act II popping corn decided to partially tip over. Thankfully the tip wasn't as bad as it could have been; only about 2 cups of the kernels spilled.

While I was scooping up handfuls of the little yellow kernels (not the activity I would have chosen as an after supper/pre dessert enterprise), Psalm 37 came to my mind.

"Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him;
Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way,
Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes.
Cease from anger and forsake wrath;
Do not fret; it leads only to evildoing."

I don't know why those particular verses popped into my head; maybe the Lord was reminding me that melted butter and spilled popcorn isn't something to get frustrated about. I did end up getting to my apple crisp, and it was well worth every puddle and kernel.

I just realized something, too... butter and popcorn go very well together. :-)

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