Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Some photoshop things

I like playing around with making things in Photoshop. Someday I might get more serious about it and go into making graphics for some kind of business, but for not it's just for fun. My sister and I worked with a friend of ours for a little while who got us hooked up with some students of hers who were designing websites that needed logos. They were at about the same level HTML-wise that we were graphics-wise, so it worked out well. One of my first "major" projects was a header graphic for From then on I just started playing around on my own.

I haven't made anything fancy, but I do like putting things together.

Here's one of the first business card designs I made.

I made a slideshow a while ago with some pictures of our friends in Maine. This is one of the last slides on it.

This is the original photo
Don't forget the Suppsign!

This was one of the headers that I made for my blog.
I was playing with making a CD design, and here's what I came up with.

Here's a design for the back of a CD
And last but not least...

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