Saturday, January 2, 2010


Today I went sledding for the first time this winter! It was a lot of fun. I went with my sister and some friends of ours on a looooong hill in town. On of the things we like to do when we go sledding is to make trains, where we line up the sleds, either side by side or front to back. Our goal is to make it all the way to the bottom without breaking up... it's not often that we actually meet that goal! :-)

The snow was powdery, so we had to pack it down a bit to make good sled paths. It was actually snowing some while we were sledding!

We're supposed to get 4 to 8 inches of snow tonight, and 12-16 inches tomorrow! I guess a lot of snow plowing/shoveling will be in order pretty soon. :-)

Oh, here's a picture that my Dad spotted and I took a couple nights ago. :-) The flash went off (by accident) and it ended up coming out pretty good... not quite what I wanted but I still like it.

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