Sunday, December 19, 2010

Lunar Eclipse!

Get ready for a total lunar eclipse on Monday night! Or rather Tuesday morning. The eclipse starts on Nov. 21st at 1:33 EST. According to this NASA article the moon is completely engulfed in the earth's shadow at 2:41 and lasts for 72 minutes. They say that if you only have a minute to slip outside into the cold and view the eclipse that 3:17 would be the best time to do that.

It sounds like it will be a neat display! Wake me up at 3:17. ;-)


  1. Hey Julia! Mom was just telling us about this. I don't particularly like the idea of being rudely awakened out of my slumber to view a lunar eclipse. However, the prospect of seeing a most extraordinary sight seems as though it may, in the end, be quite rewarding. The night sky always fascinates me and always reminds me of that very familiar verse, "the heaven declares the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

  2. We were up due to children who have a bad cold and could not sleep. So, I took the baby out in the cold (58 degrees here) and it looked pretty cool. Key West has some light pollution, but still you can see more stars and get a good view of this once in a lifetime event.

  3. I did end up being awake at 3:16 (I didn't stay awake that long, I just happened to wake up just then!). It was too cloudy to see anything, though.
