Monday, October 12, 2009

Workers and Elders Conference!

My family and I are attending the Workers and Elders conference! This conference is not specifically for Workers and Elders, but it used to be. You can read up on the history of it here.

This'll be my first time going to this conference. The topic for this year is "The Fellowship of God's Son". Here is a list of the speakers according to the Workers and Elder's event page on Facebook.

Teachings from:
Alan Schetelich
Rob Brennan
Steve Price
Stephen Ciucci
Ian Taylor
Mike Attwood
Scott Degroff
Warren Henderson

As well as seminars from:
David Dunlap
Corrine Warke
Rex Trogden
Mark Kolchin
George Farber

The conference is taking place in Waterbury, CT on October 13th through the 16th. You can read more information on the Workers and Elders website.

I'm really looking forward to it! The teachings and seminars (which you can see here) sound really interesting. There are also lots of people that I know who will be there, and it will be nice to see them, too. :-)

2 Timothy 2:15 - "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth."

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